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Kiln Opening Preview

Joseph Sand with big pottery sculpture -
Here we are!  The summer of 2019 and it's hot out.  Some ask if the heat of the summer affects the firing of the kiln.  The short answer is no, sort of.  Really, its greater impact is on the people firing the kiln.  If we falter, then the kiln can stall out or we place the wood inside incorrectly and incur losses of pottery.  We (that fire the kiln) run the serious risk of heat-related injuries and illnesses such as heat stroke.  My first summer firing I fell prey to that and just about passed out.  I have wisened with age and listen to my body now (nobody is invincible!).  
This production cycle I started with a new apprentice, Eamon.  He has been a great addition and is really quite pleasant to have in the workshop.  
I am incredibly blessed to be able to be an artist for a living.  And, I owe all the credit to you, our supporters.  Without YOU, this would not be possible. So, thank you, truly, from the bottom of our hearts.
~ Joseph, Amanda, Owen, & Jacob
JOSEPH SAND | Summer 2019
EAMON ROGERS | Summer 2019
Eamon (pronounced Aim-en) is our new apprentice, hailing all the way from the opposite coast near sunny LA.  Stepping from the arts world, to retail, and back into the arts via production pottery, Eamon has great ideas and is eager to learn.  His pots are sweet and accessible.  You can learn more about Eamon on our blog.  We are glad to have him on board!
Joseph's Preview
Eamon's Preview
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