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Kiln Opening Preview
Shop in-person:
Saturday, May 6 - 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday, May 7 - 1 pm to 5 pm
Saturday, May 13- 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday, May 14 - 1 pm to 5 pm
Please enjoy our pottery preview below!
JOSEPH SAND | Spring 2023

It's been a long winter. A little more than 5 months since we had the last kiln opening. It gives us a break, time to recuperate, and focus on neglected projects (or start new ones). With this refresh, some new shapes, along with some oldies but goodies, are in the pottery mix. Fun glazes (like milk chocolate browns) and new decoration styles and collaborations make this a really fun showing.
We are always incredibly grateful to our firing crew, who toil day and night to help pull this thing off. Without you, this would be nearly impossible (although, we did it with just 4 of us during the pandemic, but I'd rather not repeat that...needless to say, we were exhausted).
And, to you, our loyal supporters. We are humbled that you choose to spend your hard-earned dollars on this art. So much gratitude for all of you.
Joseph, Amanda, Owen, and Jacob
Joseph's Preview
Apprentice Preview
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